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ERS Site Investigation and Remediation Contractor Logo

Project:  Longniddry Farm

Value:  £24,600

Timescale:  5 years

This site was in the process of being landscaped to make it suitable for proposed residential development works. ERS were tasked with the remediation of Giant Hogweed infestations which were observed throughout the site.

As the name suggests, this site was previously arable farmland. The site had recently had stream realignment works completed to make it suitable for the future development of residential properties. However, several Giant Hogweed infestations were observed throughout the site, which needed treatment before any works could begin, due to the plant's toxicity. ERS were asked to remediate the site and manage any future re-growth spreading from upstream infestations beyond the site boundary.


Several options were discussed with the client, including in-situ herbicide treatment, excavation for removal off site, and combined digging with herbicide treatment. Due to the complexities, the scale of the site and the client’s time restraints, it was decided that excavation and relocation of the Giant Hogweed and its seed bank to a treatment stockpile for future herbicide treatments was most appropriate.


Excavation works were carried out to remove the Giant Hogweed and its seed bank on the identified areas along the existing burn between the 29th January 2019 and the 8th March 2019. The excavation works concentrated on removing the Giant Hogweed plants and seed bank from along the banks of the burn leaving a 1m buffer zone from the surface of the water.


The excavated material was relocated to a treatment area where a 5 year Giant Hogweed management plan would be implemented. Herbicide treatments will also be carried out to the excavated areas and the extended areas out with the immediate burn realignment works.


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