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SCLF Conference

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

September is always busy with conferences and, despite the Covid pandemic, this year was no exception with the Scottish Contaminated Land Forum (SCLF) annual conference, Remtech (Europe) and Contamination Expo to name just a few.

This year, ERS’ Technical Manager, Dr Thomas Aspray, was involved with organising the SCLF conference and helped review abstracts, invited a keynote speaker, chaired a session and worked ‘backstage’ on the online platform.

Thomas also gave a presentation on ex situ soil bioremediation in a temperate climate. The presentation fed into an interesting panel discussion on how far (bio)remediation could be taken forward from a sustainability perspective i.e. would we see incremental or step change improvements.

In addition, ERS sponsored the event for 2 days, helping fund the online platform and supporting individual learning, sharing of best practice and ideas generation.

The theme of SCLF this year was “brownfield remediation and reuse in the circular economy” associated with the COP26 conference in Glasgow in November. There was a range of interesting talks on the circular economy and remediation, the circular bioeconomy, and more focused talks such as a case study on passive mine water treatment.

The SCLF conference was entirely online. Attendees included individuals from further afield than in the normal face to face conference format. A chatroom also ran in parallel to support networking.

As part of the sponsorship package for the Scottish Contaminated Land Forum (SCLF) conference we had the opportunity to provide a 2 minute video to be shown during breaks between conference sessions as well as on SCLF social media channels.

At ERS we decided to produce our video in-house. A “story-line” was drafted to compliment the accompanying text in ERS’ sponsor area of the SCLF conference website (essentially slides depicting each scene alongside voice-over text and notes about content and animations). Scenes were then timed to match the voice-over with the animations. ERS’ HR Manager Sarah McMillan kindly volunteered to be the “voice of ERS”

The final version came out very well - have a look below and check for yourself! We are now looking at how we can capitalise on this experience and the skills developed to produce more videos. You might soon be able to catch up on the latest company news on an ERS YouTube or Vimeo channel!

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